How do scientists know that recent observed changes are due to human activities?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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a well-thought one-paragraph answer to each question below the book that it’s based on is attached.
1- The planet’s climate has changed significantly in the past. How do scientists know that recent observed changes are due to human activities? Why are current and future changes a source of concern?
2-Professor Ramanathan closes this lecture by asking what you would say when a skeptic asks if you believe in climate change. He suggests that you can say “no, I don’t believe in climate change.” You can follow it up by saying, “I don’t have to believe in climate change, I rely on the data.” “The data tells us the climate is changing.”
After reviewing the book, how would you support this statement?
3- How does the 2022 IPCC report on climate change update our understanding of the impacts of climate change and the necessary steps to prevent the worst effects?
4-Share two specific obstacles, one from each category of obstacles to the climate change problem, that you observe in an industry of your choice. Two categories of
2. Political and Behavioral Challenges: Public goods problem, The structure of the climate problem makes international cooperation difficult.
1. Technological & Economic Challenges: Fossil fuels have especially high energy and density.
5-How is collective action a problem in addressing climate change?
6-Why is Societal Transformation so important to Bending the Curve, and ranked so highly among the solutions? Do you think it should be? Why or why not?
7-What is your overall opinion of the ranking of the ten solutions? What is one solution you think should be ranked higher, and one that should be ranked lower? (refer to the attached book.)
8-How would you start implementing the 10 solutions? Perhaps you’d begin with solution #1 and go down the list or put into place a governance mechanism to implement the solutions?

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