How do the learning content objectives for your training session compare to those identified by others?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions: Should be a minimum 250 words each.
· What did you learn from the posting?
· What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
· What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
· What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?
· Ask each other questions about why the specific game or simulation was selected.
· How does the chosen game or simulation apply to other situations?
· How do the specific game or simulation you selected compare to those identified by others?
· Analyze your classmates’ chosen game or simulation. Do you agree or disagree with the choice? Why or why not? Provide examples where possible.
· How do the learning content objectives for your training session compare to those identified by others?
Part 1
The perfect training program would be able to address every training need if we lived in a perfect world. Nevertheless, the constraints must be taken into account when designing  the  training (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). The discussion here will take place assuming a number of employees were promoted to supervisory positions and now need to undergo a 4-hour leadership development course.  Their supervisory skills are untrained. There are a number of KSAs that need to be implemented based on the needs analysis. In order to develop training objectives, specific KSAs that were shown to be deficient would be considered. As part of these objectives, we would describe what KSA improvement will be achieved through the training (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019).
In determining what training objectives should be, the TNA is crucial. By integrating the results of the organization, operation, and person analyses, you have identified relevant performance gaps that need to be addressed by training as well as the KSAs that are driving those gaps (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). Learning objectives describe the type of behavior that shows learning has occurred, the conditions under which it happens, and the criteria for determining when learning has reached the required level. Training in leadership development will address two learning objectives. 1. By observing the role-playing of a fellow trainee, the employee will be able to describe in writing what type of personality is being exhibited and how to motivate that trainee (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). 2. Explain the importance of five things that are required for an effective team (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019).
Business simulations are extremely important to the leadership development process. A business simulation provides participants with the opportunity to make tough decisions without the risk of real-world consequences. By studying the cause and effect of different factors in a business, they can see how they affect each other; in essence, this is experiential learning. Training and development in leadership requires real-time feedback, as participants benefit greatly from immediate action and reporting. Feedback loops motivate us to try out new approaches and move on (Harris, n.d.).
Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2019). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (6th ed.). Chicago Business Press.
Harris, A. (n.d.). Using business simulation games for leadership training. Stratx. Retrieved July 3, 2022, from
Part 2
In course development for leadership training, have a defined set of learning objectives is crucial. Not only does the objectives set forth the expectations for the training programs but it also allows those in attendance to know what they can potentially gain from this experience. According to Blanchard and Thacker’s (2019) research, learning objectives are designed to explain the necessary skills, knowledge and traits that each participant can gain. The concept of these objectives can be applied in various applications and can be tailored to the various scenarios. The following learning objectives are tailored to the four-hour leadership training session:
1) Upon completion of the training session, each individual will be able to identify unique identifiers within their own organizations that are impeding on motivation and performance through role-playing scenarios.
2) Upon completion of this session, each individual will be able to use new technique to communicate with their supervisors or subordinates to create a cohesive dialogue regarding pay, performance, etc. This will be accomplished through an exercise that directs a blindfolded person from one area of the room to another with no direct path with the use of only communication.
3) Following this training session, each participant will be able to identify the tools necessary for each employee to have to ensure long and short-term goals can be achieved by acknowledging the minimum requirements.
The ability to engage participant in a training session can easily be obtained through various engaging interactions. This can be from various games, role-play exercises, and even scenario driven exercises. During several of the objective reviews, it was identified on what process best
would interact with the participants. Many support the concept of incorporating activities, physical and verbal, into leadership development (Kark, 2011). The concept of role-playing scenario during training developments allows various situations to be forecasted. In support of
this concept, author Ronit Kark (2011) further explains that in the realm of “playing” during training tasks the sole focus away from the objectives of the training and uses the skills provided by the participants and framing situations on the process not the overall result.
Interaction through engaging discussions or games will allow the learning objectives to be accomplished without the pressure of ensuring success from every participant. The advantage of post-game discussion allows for inclusion and interaction to determine if alternate methods
during the example could have resulted in different choices for the scenario. This is where the communication of leadership will be strengthened and the ability to accomplish external objectives in the workplace will obtained seamlessly.
Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2019). Effective training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices (5th Ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Kark, R. (2011). Games managers play: Play as a form of leadership development. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(3), 507-527. 

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