How does climate change lead to increased migration and refugees?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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a well-thought one-paragraph answer to each question below that it’s based on the book or sources that are attached. 1- How should climate justice and the disproportionate effects of climate change inform policy approaches to address climate change? 2- Give an example of climate change as a social justice issue from your experiences. 3- How does climate change lead to increased migration and refugees? What policy approaches should be taken to address this challenge? 4- Why have Latin American cities been so successful at tackling problems of climate change while reducing social disparity? Which strategies could you envision working in the context of American cities? 5- What are some of the social barriers to technology transfer? How can these barriers be overcome? 6- How has the Sunrise movement mobilized action around climate change? Moving forward, what strategies would you recommend that the Sunrise movement use to enhance its’ influence?

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