How does prior knowledge of this population’s struggle influence your analysis?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Below are lyrics of two songs. You will be doing line by line qualitative coding of the lyrics and identifying themes that exist among them. Codes can consist of one descriiptive word, or multiple sentences that summarize their interpretation. Please see the example for more information. Coding and interpretations of text and the identification of themes are influenced by the coder’s experiences and background. There are no right or wrong answers. In fact, a range of interpretations may provide a more holistic perspective. Some questions to think about while you’re coding:
• What population is the singer/writer talking about?
• How does prior knowledge of this population’s struggle influence your analysis?
• How does context setting (i.e., US or international), time, and social reality impact the experience described in these lyrics?
After you have finished coding the data and identifying themes, please write a 1-2 page reflection paper (not including a title page) reflecting on the following questions:
• How did your worldview shape the way you coded the data and identified themes?
• Did you approach the coding process with any biases that you can think of?
• What themes or similarities did you find between the two songs?
• How do you think qualitative research benefits the social work profession?

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