How does the author use literary techniques to communicate the values most prized by his or her culture?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Following the essay guide document: Choose one example from the children’s literature provided in the word documentThen look at the particular historical and geographical setting (early 19th C Britain, early 20th C Canada) of this text to assess the prevailing theories about, and attitudes towards, children.You might examine advice manuals, medical or education texts, infant mortality statistics, visual art, advertising, legal history, social histories, etc. to discover the prevailing conditions for, and assumptions about, childhood at this time. How does the author use literary techniques to communicate the values most prized by his or her culture? What is the world view or ethos established by the writer in this children’s text, and how does he or she endorse or question these mores?
Make sure that you have an arguable thesis and that all of your points and examples prove and reflect back to that thesis.
Let me know which narrative you choose so I can send you some supplying information if I have. 3 sources total is also fine including the narrative you choose.

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