How does the media portray obesity and what is its effect on Obesity levels in the US?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a research & summaries project and need a sample draft to help me learn.Research Project (Overall just need some research about my topic and I need 10 different sources, and 5 of the sources have to have a little extra notes)Need to research topic and choose 10 sources to write notes on, notes must be summarized and must include quotes and data also, maybe a few graphs and photos. Then I need to choose 5 out of those 10 sources to do further and deeper note-taking on. Included rubric and instructions sheetI also attached a format which must be followed, each comprehensive note must be at least a few paragraphs long and the CRITICAL notes should be longer and must also have a Consideration portion also. (Explained with a sample in instructions sheet) Topic : How does the media portray obesity and what is its effect on Obesity levels in the US?
Requirements: 2-3 Paragraphs per Source and 1 page per Critical source   |   .doc file

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