How does your education level change the social class status?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing and need to help me learn.Chapter 4 #1 – Social class and education2121 unread replies.2121 replies.Watch this video done by some college students about social /classes status: (Links to an external site.)Realize that the lower class they refer to is really the lowest portion of the lower class and not typical of the lower class, nor do they mention working class. Working class includes many people who feel they are middle class but don’t hit the $50,000 plus income that qualifies one for that status. How does your social class affect your ability to succeed? How does your education level change the social class status? How does your education level change the social class status? Will the education you plan to achieve change your social class or will it ensure to keep it? Please explain.
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