How is this media teaching me to see the world?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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In a four- to five-page paper, analyze the portrayal of worldviews by evaluating the dialogue and actions of the characters. Your paper will be evaluated based upon your ability to identify the worldview(s) depicted in the characters. Be sure to provide specific evidence from the film Ground Hog Day that supports your analysis and illustrates how those elements are components within a worldview. Within your paper, include at least five references that specifically demonstrate the importance of worldview. Note: This is not a movie review or a movie summary, but an analysis. As you are watching the movie/TV show, ask yourself, “What is this movie saying “the good life” looks like? What does it present as the purpose of life? How is this media teaching me to see the world? Critical thinking is required, as is linking ideas from the film to worldview ideas from the assigned course textbooks, such as: Christianity, Secularism, New Spirituality, Marxism, Postmodernism, theism, atheism, agnos

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