How is triple bottom line theory relevant to global marketing or marketing in your country or work place?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Discussion Question
CLO #1 – Identify, define, and describe key marketing components, product life cycle, 3Cs and 4Ps and corresponding marketing strategies.
CLO #4 – Summarize the relevance and application of concepts, principles, and theories used in marketing to contemporary events and global markets and evaluate marketing decisions.
Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic which expresses your response to the following two questions:
How is triple bottom line theory relevant to global marketing or marketing in your country or work place?
How is triple bottom line theory relevant to your future career?
Post your graphic organizer as an attachment. Use your creativity to make it appealing and clear enough for your classmates to be able to understand, reflect, and comment on it.
For editable graphic organizers, please check out:
Graphic organizers
Free Graphic Organizer Templates
8 Editable Graphic Organizer Templates for Google Apps
Module 2
Assignments to complete this module:
Reading: Marketing Management
Chapter 2: Marketing Foundations: Global, Ethical, Sustainable
Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
Discussion Question
CLO #1 – Identify, define, and describe key marketing components, product life cycle, 3Cs and 4Ps and corresponding marketing strategies.
CLO #4 – Summarize the relevance and application of concepts, principles, and theories used in marketing to contemporary events and global markets and evaluate marketing decisions.
Now that you have posted your graphic organizer, explore the work posted by your peers. Ask them meaningful questions to seek clarification on their ideas.

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