How might different cultural views on communication impact relationships between cultures?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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· Written Assignments are 1,000-1,200 words in length (4-5 pages, not counting the title page or reference page) and address the prompt given for that unit writing assignment (see prompts below).
· The assignments are objective analysis; do not use first or second person (“I” or “you”).
· Written Assignments must follow proper APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, introduction, major section headings for each assignment objective, a conclusion, and a reference page. (No abstract is needed.)
· Written assignments must include support from at least three credible sources published in the last ten years. Credible references may come from:
o Open Source scholarly journal sites
o Governmental statistical and other resources
o Tribal or other indigenous peoples organization websites and publications
o Credible religious, ethnic, and professional association websites and publications.
Newspapers and magazines may be cited for facts only. Otherwise, newspapers and magazines, other websites, and other sources not listed above may not be used. Encyclopedias and dictionaries do not meet the reference requirement.
Unit 3 Written Assignment:
· What is your understanding of being “global”?
· How might different cultural views on communication impact relationships between cultures?
· Why are so many workers leaving their culture or origin to work abroad, despite the many difficulties encountered?
· What are the responsibilities of communities and organizations in facilitating the acculturation of foreign newcomers?

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