How might Kant’s duty-based approach to making ethical choices be applied to our contemporary moral context?

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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How might Kant’s duty-based approach to making ethical choices be applied to our contemporary moral context? Give specific examples, referring back to the text to justify your argument.
 Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions and is due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Wednesday.   
Your two response posts (approximately 125-150 words each) are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Sunday. 
Please remember to take ownership of your original post and answer all questions posed to you by other course participants.  
Please use at least two appropriate scholarly references formatted in the most current APA format.  
Please refer to the Discussion Topic rubric for detailed guidance about expectations and grading for discussions. 
To submit your post to the Discussion Topic, select “Start a New Thread”, type or paste your posting in the fields, and click “Post”. To respond to your peer’s post, click “Reply to Thread”.   

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