How might this have influenced early conceptualizations of psychology and the development of early theories?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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If you had to pick one of the historical perspectives to use to study and explain behavior, which one would it be? Why?
Additionally, Select the questions below to discuss.
Early psychologists were, for the most part, White men. How might this have influenced early conceptualizations of psychology and the development of early theories?
NOTE: Make sure you answer all parts of the discussion question.
SUBMISSION – IN DISCUSSION BOARD ASSIGNED BELOW, and be timely in order to allow your classmates to respond.
You will be graded on:
General Requirement(s):
Preparation: Read the directions for the discussion board prior to participation.
Write: Make sure you directly and completely address the discussion forum question(s)/topic. You must respond to at least one of your fellow classmates posting explaining the reason(s) for the agreement or disagreement with their initial posting. Make sure to use proper grammar, punctuation, and proper APA citation, when writing your initial post. When replying to your classmates don’t forget to comply with Netiquette Guidelines in the “Getting Started” area and include a salutation to your classmate(s).
Grading: The number of posts and replies you need to get credit are shown in the Grading table below.
Description Details Grade
1 initial post; 2 replies 100%
1 initial post, 1 reply 85%
1 initial post; 0 replies 70%
No replies 0%

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