How might transparency and dialogic communication have prevented the catastrophe?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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short 3-5-page essay addressing the case study. APA 7TH EDITION. Your submission should not exceed 25% in similarity in turnitin. The essay illustrates an exemplary understanding of the course material by thoroughly and correctly: (1) addressing the relevant content; (2) identifying and explaining all of the key concepts/ideas; (3) using correct terminology; (4) explaining the reasoning behind key points/claims; and (5) (where necessary or useful) substantiating points with several accurate and original example
Answer questions: 2 and 6
2. How might transparency and dialogic communication have prevented the catastrophe?
6. Within a complex organizational structure like the one described in this case study, how would you suggest improving communication, especially with regard to providing the context necessary for decision-makers to make the best decisions?
See references linked linked within case study

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