How ocean warming and acidification affect food webs. 

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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This discussion presents you with some real-life examples of the effects of human impacts, such as hunting/fishing, and global warming. Begin by going through two articles found in D2L under Section 2.
Article 1: Decline of Predators. 
Article 2: How ocean warming and acidification affect food webs. 
    Step one: Make a food chain 
 Article one gives several examples of food chains that were damaged by humans. Choose any one food chain and write it out. Identify the trophic level of at least three steps in the food chain. You are encouraged to use the Internet to investigate further if you’d like more information about a food chain of interest to you.
   Step Two: Interconnectedness – In approximately one paragraph, respond to the following discussion prompts. Relate your discussion points to the articles you read. 
After going through both articles, react to the statement “Life on this planet is a delicate balance”. What does this mean to you?
In what ways have humans directly or indirectly affected this balance?
What measures would you be willing to take to correct human impacts on global food webs?

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