How “social media can be used effectively as a marketing tool,”

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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1. The main text should be 8 pages or more.
The first page should include the course name and your name, and start the main text. No need to make a separate title page with just your name and the title of the paper. (Please see “Course Expectation,” “Style Sheet” for fonts and other specifics.) Please use Word file, NOT PDF.
A final page of “References” should list all the chapters or the articles you have referenced.
2. You need to refer to a minimum of 8 academic sources, including at least 2 from our class materials (either readings or videos) and at least 6 from your own research. Follow the rule of APA. own research please see the attached file name “proposal”, please choose two class materials from the attachment
videos links:

3. Your analysis should use a social sciences and critical lens. For example, if your topic is on how “social media can be used effectively as a marketing tool,” or “social media can be used to influence an election,” please also think critically about the impact on the culture/society/democracy. That is, instead of celebrating Cambridge Analytica’s tremendous profits because the company has effectively helped its clients to sway elections, you should also think about the political and social consequences.

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