How to measure and value unpaid care work for macroeconomic and social protection programs?

Posted: July 19th, 2022

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General Objective: To estimate the unpaid care sector in a forced climate displacement setting
This paper addresses the following questions how to measure and value unpaid care work for macroeconomic and social protection programs?
The failure to recognize the economic value of unpaid care work leads to the belief that people who, without compensation, devote time to caring for others are unproductive. Therefore, the lack of recognition interferes the promotion of gender equality and disability rights at the macroeconomic level and the social protection programs.
In Puerto Rico, 4,000 persons died in this tragedy. In the town of Loíza, where is the venue of Taller Salud, around 3,000 homes were partially or totally damaged.
Field Research in collaboration with Taller Salud and the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Campus.
A summary of key findings from field research will be conducted in forced climate displacement settings in Puerto Rico related to the intersection of gender, disability and recommendations for social protection programs.

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