How will this learning change your future behavior and approach to these topics?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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In this course, you will engage your thoughts and abilities as a scholar, a practitioner, and a leader to advance your knowledge and personal academic agenda. These reflections help you position yourself as a reflexive thinking scholar, practitioner, and leader. Consider saving these statements, which serve as a critical reflection upon your growth throughout the program.
Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the learning from Weeks 1–4 has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. Reflect on your learning process (i.e., challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, and interactions) in your statement, in addition to addressing:

What did you learn over the past 4 weeks?
How did it change your thinking?
How will this learning change your future behavior and approach to these topics?
Include questions for your faculty member regarding material that may still be unclear.
Format any citations and references in your reflective statement according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

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