How will this new power affect humanity?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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View one or more of the following YouTube TED Talks about Biotechnology Ethics:

Bioethicist Paul Root Wolpe describes an astonishing series of recent bioengineering experiments, from glowing dogs to mice that grow human ears. He asks: Isn’t it time to set some ground rules?

The term GMO has been bogged down by controversy. But what actually are GMOs, and is that controversy completely justified?

Neil Neimark, MD and other doctors across the United States are part of a group that enjoys being on the cutting edge of the enormous possibilities and positive results that stem cell produces today and will continue to be a crucial part of wellness in the future.

CRISPR gene drives allow scientists to change sequences of DNA and guarantee that the resulting edited genetic trait is inherited by future generations, opening up the possibility of altering entire species forever. More than anything, this technology has led to questions: How will this new power affect humanity? What are we going to use it to change? Are we gods now?

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