How would you manage social media and technology in the lives of your children?  

Posted: June 30th, 2022

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The use of outside scholarly resources (articles, books, etc) will be rewarded but is not required.  The recommended length per answer is 150  words.  Answer each question using complete sentences, paragraph structure, and academic/professional language. Keep use of the first-person voice to a minimum. Use APA style for all citations and Works cited
1) After having read the Pew Study on Social Media and Teens.   Download Pew Study on Social Media and Teens, what stood out for you as interesting, memorable or surprising?  Explain why these aspects were chosen. 
2) On the whole, do you feel social media to be a positive or negative force in the lives of young people?  Provide evidence to support your position. 
3) If you were a parent, how would you manage social media and technology in the lives of your children?  

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