I need to write a Summary of validation activities to date for this business plan

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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I need to write a Summary of validation activities to date for this business plan, just this section. A detailed descriiption of the validation efforts to date, subsequent learnings, and findings. results include CHART IN SYLLABUS
You don’t need to write the title
Just fake that validation activity for the chart.
The start-up idea: GotNext!
All sports (hockey, basketball, soccer etc)
Online phone app where you input your location and sport to play and you can connect with others to set up rec sports teams
Like a “sports” tinder for setting up rec and spontaneous games
Open app and can see sport games(Basketball, hockey, tennis, soccer) happening around you and rsvp courts or games
People can register and see people planning games on courts near them where they can join
Already down some survey responses in the following files
Let me know if you have any problems, just write A detailed descriiption of the validation efforts to date, subsequent learnings, and findings. results include CHART IN SYLLABUS

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