I would like students to write a paper that addresses a number of relevant themes

Posted: July 20th, 2022

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I am providing the students with two options for their paper. First option is Analysis of Psychopathology in Popular Film, and the second, is Analysis of Psychopathology in a piece of literary work. Both, Literature and Popular media and films are a rich source of material addressing psychopathology and mental illness. You will be asked to view a relevant film or read a work of Literature. Then, I would like students to write a paper that addresses a number of relevant themes including the following:
1) A comprehensive descriiption of psychopathology (symptoms) or particular Psychopathological dynamics (Oedipus complex, Existential Angst) depicted, including a formal DSM/ICD diagnosis of the protagonist or main character. This should include specific and relevant symptoms and biographical information that indicates how the person displays these dynamics or meets criteria for a particular mental disorder.
2) Identify a minimum of 3 SCENES either in the film or story that best the above points.
3) A reflection on the positive and negative messages that the film or story portray regarding the particular disorder or psychological dynamics.
4) Discussion of how well or poorly the movie or Literary work characterizes the particular form(s) of psychopathology depicted.

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