Identify a Biblical value exhibited by the organization. Discuss and expand on this discussion as to how this Biblical value connects to the organization and the story.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Case Study: Topic and Outline Assignment
The student will write a paragraph explaining the topic choice and create an outline of the case study paper assignment. This assignment must include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.
For this assignment, you will be writing an outline for the case study that you will write later in
the course. Before you can do the outline, you need to know what a case study is and the
requirements for the case study.
Case studies are an important part of most graduate programs as they reveal more readily the
concept or theory discussed in a real-world context. Consider the chapters you have read from
Hill text that present a case study of an organization. In each of these chapters, the way
organizations incorporate various values (ex. love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness.) is described in real-world scenarios. This helps us see how the value, reactions to
the value, and outcomes from demonstrating the value might be displayed—and thus, presents a
rich case for learning best practices and enables us to take God with us to work and everywhere.
Case Studies are stories that develop a person, or a group of people, or a company over a specific
time period (ex. day, week, month, year). A case study analyzes what occurred during this time
period. Choosing a company to do this case study can sometimes be the most difficult part.
Choose a company that has information available that can help you determine a value that is
displayed. Choose a company that does not already say what their Biblical value is. Choose
a company where you have to decide what the Biblical value is based on the company’s actions.
Choose a company that is not faith based. You would not use Chick-Fil-A or Hobby Lobby
because they already display their Christian values. You would choose another company and
decide for yourself what value they demonstrate. Sometimes these values are not written but you
may have to determine for yourself if an action that this company does is a Biblical value.
For your Case Study Paper, you will select an organization and review a Biblical value that the
organization has displayed by writing a story and developing a person or a group of people at
this company. Remember you have to write a story that shows the example of this company
displaying this Biblical value. You won’t be writing just about the company. Write a case study
where a person or group of people displayed a Biblical value. Tell the story. Back up the
actions of the people or group in the company with scholarly references, the text, and with the
Bible (this is the most important part).
Choose an organization not in your text and not one that you have used in a previous course.
Identify a Biblical value exhibited by the organization. Discuss and expand on this discussion as
to how this Biblical value connects to the organization and the story. The purpose of this is for
you to be able to identify Biblical values in an organization. Remember, Biblical values can
certainly be displayed in secular workplaces; after all, all truth is God’s truth!
Example Values: Galatians 5:22 NIV. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
If you have another Biblical value that you would like to use, please get this approved by the professor.
Above is information about the case study to help you plan your outline. This outline will
detail how you will write your case study. You will also be doing a training presentation
based on this case study. This outline, the case study, and the training presentation should
all be on the same company.
For this topic and outline assignment, please put in the title the organization that you are
choosing to write a case study and the Biblical value that you will be presenting. Write one
paragraph explaining why you chose this company. Why is this company important to you?
Why is this a good company to research and discuss. What is the Biblical value? Why is this
value important to the business and to people and to you?
This assignment must include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbook
and the Bible (King James Version or New Internationl Verson). These references will be
used in the opening paragraph (one paragraph) and in the outline.
Directly below this one paragraph, type an outline that demonstrates how you will write this case
study. Below is an example of how this outline should be typed and organized. The content of
this outline may change but this should be the start of your planning for this case study paper
The format for the outline is the following:
 Title Page (The title should include the company and the Biblical value.)
 Abstract (You won’t write this until you write your case study. This is just here so
that you know you will have to write this in your case study. This does not need to go
on the outline.)
I. Introduction (Just put this word. You will write this in paragraph(s) in the
case study.)
II. Background of the company selected
A. Complete Sentence with reference.
B. Complete Sentence with reference.
III. Discussion of the Biblical value
A. Complete Sentence with reference.
B. Complete Sentence with reference.
IV. Discussion of how the Biblical value is displayed
A. Complete Sentence with reference.
B. Complete Sentence with reference.
V. Discussion of how this Biblical value is connected to the organization
A. Complete Sentence with reference.
B. Complete Sentence with reference.
VI. Discussion of how decision making in the organization is or is not affected by
this Biblical value
A. Complete Sentence with reference.
B. Complete Sentence with reference.
BMAL 570
VII. Lessons learned (Just put the word here. You will write this when you write
your case study.)
VIII. Conclusion (Just put the word here. You will write this when you write your
case study.)
 References (This should be a page of References with at least 5 scholarly resources in
addition to the course texts, and the Bible. You may add to this or change this when
you write the case study.)
The case study paper must be 8–10-pages (not including Title Page, Abstract, or Reference page)
and must include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible
(New International Version or King James Version). The Case Study Paper is to be written in
third person and must be in current APA format. Do not use first or second person in this outline
or in the case study. Please do not use direct quotes in the outline. Only use direct quotes for
Bible verses and famous quotes. Follow this numbering format that is used in the example above
(ex. I. A. B. II. A.B.). You must have an A and B. You may add a C or more if needed.
References should be within the last 5 years.
This outline (company and value) must be approved by the professor before submitting the
case study. Once this is approved, any changes must be approved by the professor.

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