Identify and discuss at least three different resources families can utilize that promote resilience.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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You have explored the impact of the client’s belief system, worldview, and values on their perception and ability to cope with the adverse challenges in their life. You also explored the multiple resources that can be used to help build resilience from extended family to social and economic resources. In this Assignment, you are asked to analyze the information learned in these units and evaluate strategies for making referrals/recommendations for appropriate resources and interventions.
Please respond to the following:
Analyze the impact the client’s belief system, worldview, and values have on their perception of the adversity in their life as well as their ability to cope with the adversity.
Identify and discuss at least three different resources families can utilize that promote resilience.
Integrate the information presented in both questions above and identify strategies or steps you need to take to ensure your recommendations and referrals to resources and interventions are appropriate.

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