Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Select a director and give basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work (e.g., film reviews or articles). View at least two films by your director and comment on them. Write about how the director used the following elements in the two films you watched: editing (montage), sound and music, cinematography, special effects (this can include stunt work).
(2) Select one feature-length film that you have not previously written about, which has not been included in the course content. Present information about the making of the movie, about its success or failure at the box office, about awards it was nominated for and/or received. Also present a sampling of the critical reaction to the film, from both the time of its release and later on. Finally, watch the film and react to it. Assume your reader does not know anything about the movie. Give a simple, short story synopsis, and then write about how the director used the following elements in the film: editing (montage), sound and music, cinematography, special effects (this can include stunt work). Feel confident in using a personal narrative about how you experience this movie, but always look for specific evidence from what you see and hear in the movie to support your feelings and thoughts.
(3) Select a topic involved with the craft, distribution, or exhibition of movies and write a short research paper on its development. For example, if you want to write about cameras, take a narrow view of that broad topic, such as the Steadicam. You do not need to get too technical, but it is important to fully clarify why the topic you’ve selected is important to film studies and the film industry.
3. Final Paper: The final paper, with bibliography in MLA format, is due no later than the end of week eight. The body of the paper should have a one-inch margin on all sides, be doubled-spaced, and use a standard font style (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) and a standard font size (11 or 12 point). NOTE: If you turn in a term paper without getting the Instructor’s approval of your Topic and Outline and Resources, the Instructor may refuse to grade it.
Great filmmaker and one great film to illustrate your very clear thesis.
Italicize every movie title you write.
My cautionary note: what will you offer about this subject that has not been offered before? Don’t spend your time simply finding production data points and biographical material; figure out why you are drawn to this topic and how you will cause someone to better understand the topic the way you do. Lean-in to the idea of a personal narrative and explain why you, Holly, are drawn to Nancy Meyers as justification and support for your thesis.
You must use authored source material, and you must include publication dates, as well as access dates for web resources.
Thesis statement: Nancy Meyers films say a lot about women and relationships. In her films, women are shown as strong, independent, and capable of having successful relationships. Meyers also shows that relationships are not always perfect and that there can be conflict and disagreement.

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