If the company has treasury stock, is it increasing or decreasing in value?

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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WK2: SEC 10-K Balance Sheet for Walmart
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Always include the name of your company in the subject line and the link to the SEC 10-K in your posting!
Answer all of the questions below and do NOT cut and paste from the 10-K.
Use your own words to answer.
This week’s discussion assists in your preparation of the report due next week on the Balance Sheet for your SEC 10-K company
Discussion Requirements
Using the SEC 10-K for your company, answer the questions below:
What were total current assets?
What were total current liabilities?
What were total assets and total stockholders’ equity (deficit)?
Calculate working capital (current assets - current liabilities = working capital) and describe how it changed from last year.
If the company has treasury stock, is it increasing or decreasing in value? Remember that the normal balance for treasury stock is a negative value (debit balance).
What is the value for other comprehensive net income (or net loss), accumulated deficit, and/or retained earnings. How are these values changing?
. Comment on any one of your classmates postings by this assignment deadline. These comments will represent 5% of the assignment grade.
8. Cross reference you responses to the assigned question numbers for this assignment as well as other discussion assignments

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