I’m working on a business law project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business law project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.https://www.5dca.org/Oral-Arguments/Archived-Video…The case assignment will require you to use review a case, opinion, and video. You may select a case from either the Florida Third District Court of Appeal, https://www.3dca.flcourts.org/ , the Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal https://www.4dca.org/ or the Fifth DCA: https://www.5dca.org/ First, go to the District Court of Appeal (DCA) website to find a recent opinion (less than one year old). Read the opinion for and find a commercial case. Typically a commercial case will not have the “State of Florida” as a party as those cases are usually criminal. Next, make a note of the case number and then go to the DCA video archive and find the video of the oral arguments. Please note that not all opinions have oral arguments so you may need to find another opinion. If the opinion is a “per curiam” type opinion, then find another case. A “per curiam” opinion is not an opinion. The court simply stated its ruling with no opinion. Opinion is attachedThe link to the video is above (YOU NEED TO SEARCH FOR CASE NUMBER 20-2528)Thank you!
Requirements: No length required   |   .doc file

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