I’m working on a data analytics writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.1. Major E-commerce systems such as Amazon, eBay, and Expedia have started to provide WEB 3.0. That is when a customer is browsing for a product the search results are no longer limited to one type of information per search (e.g., webpages). Rather, all kinds of information (e.g., blog messages, photos, communication, videos, and webpages) will be presented as results as long as they are relevant to the search query. What is your understanding of WEB 3.0? How much does this web 3.0 technology has helped the e-commerce sites during the Pandemic?Make a list ( any 5/6 topics) with a small description of each topic ( relate it with the above scenario)You should be writing from the knowledge that you have gained from the PowerPoint slides, class exercises, and the class discussion. . . this is important to relate the answer with the above scenario. Do not copy-paste from the slides or Google to answer this question. Any type of Plagiarism will lead to point deduction.2. Differentiate among automation, streamlining, and reengineering with one real-life example for each.You may take LIU Brooklyn Campus as an organization and explain how did automation, streamlining, and re-engineering have taken place over the past few years.Please give the best possible quality answers that is just something.
Requirements: 600

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