I’m working on a economics question and need guidance to help me learn

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics question and need guidance to help me learn.Data Report 2A client has asked you to prepare a report documenting changes in inequality in the UnitedStates since the 1970s. Your report should present data covering multiple variables thatdemonstrate different ways to view the broad concept of inequality. It should also provide abrief analysis of the patterns you observe. Your job is not to hypothesize causes of changes ininequality, but rather to discuss the facts. Some ideas you may want to consider whenpreparing the report:1. How similar/different varying measures of inequality look over time2. The difference between wealth inequality and income inequality3. Before tax vs after tax measurements4. Comparison of the US to other countries5. Inequality between different genders, ethnicities, education levels, etc.You do not need to answer all of the questions above and you are welcome to look at differentissues that you find interesting. Assume that the client is familiar with basic economic conceptsbut is not an economist. This means part of your description should be focused on defining thevariables you chose and discussing precisely what they measure. When possible, discuss therelevant tradeoffs between different measures (i.e. are there any shortcomings of themeasures?) and why you chose the ones that you did. Do your best to convey why the datayou are showing is important.Requirements1. Your report needs to look nice. Graphs should be easy to read, consistently themed, andformatted cleanly. Text should be presented neatly and it should be clear to which graphthe text refers. Have some fun with it! Creativity is encouraged!2. Your report must include at least 6 data series and at least 4 separate graphs (in otherwords, you can put more than one series on a graph if it makes sense – for example incomeshares for different groups). Do not take graphs from other sources. Always download thedata and create the graph yourself.3. Part of your job is finding data sources. It should be pretty easy to find data (a googlesearch of “inequality downloadable data” brings up many options)4. There is no formal requirement for length, but you do not need more than a few sentencesdescribing each graph (and a few on the comparison across graphs when that makessense to do). Bullets with incomplete sentences are ok if you prefer that format. Theimportant part is to make the reader understand precisely what is going on in each piece ofyour data.
Requirements: finish perfectly   |   .doc file

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