I’m working on a english multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english multi-part question and need support to help me learn.REMEMBER THESE POINTS: Six
topics have been selected. You must write about each topic in a
separate paragraph, and the following must be applied to each paragraph:
1- Use five words from the attached words in the file in each paragraph and underline them
2- Apply the grammar rules specified in the file in three sentences in each paragraph and put two lines on the rule
3- Avoid plagiarism
4- Each paragraph should contain different ideas and the ideas should not be repeated
DO NOT COPY from the Internet. Write the essay in your own words.
Read, understand and write according to the given rubric (see below).
2. You MUST use 5 words from the unit’s vocabulary list in every paragraph (see below).
3. You MUST USE THREE grammar skills taught in the unit in every paragraph (see below).
4. Follow the model essay in every paragraph .
5. Read your essay at least TWO TIMES BEFORE submitting it to avoid errors.
6. DO NOT COPY from the Internet. Write the essay in your own words.
7. You need at least 11 sentences in every paragraph
Requirements: 10   |   .doc file

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