I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.INTRODUCTION:This discussion will integrate using literature to support claims, health outcomes and the concepts of Social Determinants of Health.PREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global pandemic, a race crisis. What do you think?“Long overdue”: Lawmakers declare racism a public health emergencyBlack and Brown Americans are susceptible to higher rates of infant mortality, heart disease and even an advanced aging process…and now Covid 19.Read in The Guardian: https://apple.news/A_QdM0uthQYK31VVyQ6_fBw (Links to an external site.)Should we view social structures that promote poor health as a public health issues? Is racism a public health problem?ASSIGNMENT: Explore the issue of race as a health determinant by finding 2 outcomes that show that racism is a public health problem. You can choose disparities in health outcomes, prison sentences, access to education, violence or community factors just to name a few. Pick one health outcome disparity (ie a disease or chronic illness that is more common in minorities) or a social determinant of health (a SDoH factor that impacts health in minorities), find 2 sources to show outcomes that show how race impacts that outcome. Dont just say “education impacts health” PROVE it to the reader with facts. This is why we did D1 on proving-find some statistics and facts!Your post should have:Topic sentence2 supporting factsReference(s)ConclusionPeer replyASSIGNMENT SPECIFIC RUBRIC:3 pts Topic sentence8 pts 2 supporting facts5 pts Reference(s) you must cite in the paragraph (author) or (#) just like we learned to in our first discussion!2 pts Conclusion2 pts Reply to a peer
Requirements: 200-250 words and 100-150 reply   |   .doc file

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