I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.please locate (2) research studies (on the same topic) exploring what is currently known or controversial about one of the following topics related to Covid19 pandemic considerations ( choose one topic from below and find two articles):Effectiveness of N95 masks with Covid19 variantsEffectiveness of Remdesivir for Covid19Effectiveness of plexiglass in reducing transmission of Covid19Effectiveness of Ivermectin in early Covid19 treatmentThe role of human IgA and IgG in Covid 19 vaccinationAfter providing a brief summary of each article, please use a critical appraisal tool of the research methodology for each and attach the results to your post with your perception of the quality (internal validity) and potential value/utility (external validity) the article may or may not lend for primary care management/ counseling/ health promotion etc.Also be sure to talk about how the study findings are similar, as well as any differences and how the authors state their findings compare to what was already known in published literature.If one of these is a review of the literature or a non-research article, use an appropriate appraisal tool like OPHLA’s or something similar.Regarding Appraisal tool:I have attached 3 different critical appraisal tools that you could use or you can use another. These appraisal tools have to correlate with that type of study that would be done in the research articles that you find. Please only do the checklist or the table attached in the documents. There is no page limit for the answer as long as all questions get answered.Thanks
Requirements: 1-2 pages

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