I’m working on a hospitality question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a hospitality question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Every restaurant has its own Standard Operating Procedures, which include the steps of service to ensure consistency in quality of service. You studied the steps of service in the Module, which have been designed by the instructor for a casual American style of service. This discussion assignment focuses on evaluating some of the styles of service in the module.You are asked to watch the “Training for Waiters Steps of Service” video on YouTube and to take each of the following four styles of service and evaluate whether the six steps of service offered in the video could be applied to each of the styles of service. You will have to briefly explain why if they apply or why if they do not.1. American Style of service 2. French style of service3. Russian style of service4. Combination of styles (like an Asian Restaurant)
Requirements: 150-200 words

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