I’m working on a management discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.No Plagiarism, No Matching will be acceptable. All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (Size12, Double-space) font. No pictures containing text will be acceptable and will be considered plagiarism. proper examples and explanations for each questions. – No short answer as it’s not acceptable for this assignment the answer should be sufficientReferences are very important to put them under the solutionI want the solution on the same page of the questions that I attached, under the word answer Greetings.Please answer the following two question and provide your answer. Anticipate and discuss your views, opinions, and experience on the below topic and respond to at least one of your classmate’s postings. Participation in discussions is compulsory for all students.This discussion will be graded and count in coursework grades.Notes:(Recommended: 60 words)(Font: Times New Roman)(Font Size: 12)(Deadline: 03/03/2022 @ 23:59)(Score: 2 Marks)(List References Source)Discussion Topic:-One of the components of the last stage of the Consumer Decision Process is the Post purchase Cognitive Dissonance.Based on what you have learned in chapter number 6. Can you give an example of a company that succeed to reduce the dissonance ?! And explain how did this company reduce the dissonance.
Requirements: 2 days

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