I’m working on a marketing strategies project and need support to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing strategies project and need support to help me learn. The assignment is:You are acting as the owners of a startup company and will choose a product (good or service) and analyze the market for your product.I chose a car company specifically I want the differentiation and positioning strategies for a luxury car. So what I want( I have a startup company which is a car company, my product is a luxury car so I want differentiation and positioning strategies for the luxury car) please I do not want research what is differentiation and positioning strategies mean or any information about it, I want a study for my startup company specifically I want it for a luxury car.I just need you to do this part 🙁 differentiation and positioning strategies for a luxury car include luxury sedans, luxury SUV, luxury Coupe, and luxury pickup trucks.)MAX TWO PAGESI NEED IT TO BE CLEAR AND WRITE GOOD DIFFERENTIATION AND POSITIONING STRATEGIES FOR THE PRODUCT.I NEED TO GET A FULL MARK IN THAT I WANT SOMEONE PROFESSIONAL TO DO IT MY PROFESSOR IS SO ACCURATE.
Requirements: 2 pages

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