I’m working on a mechanical engineering report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a mechanical engineering report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Do not leave any bullet points unanswered (provide as much detail as possible)All of the instructions are provided in the document (ME 596 Project 1 Classical Manufactuirng)the incomplete brainstorm pdf is a brief and simple idea of what to include for the bullet points from each section (NOT HOW THE REPORT SHOULD LOOK LIKE) it is just a starting pointsThe product chosen for this report is a sporting good product is the Sack-Savior, an athletic protective cup. This product fits under the protective equipment category.Also, the introduction and the conclusion must be WRITTEN in the reportThe format of the writing must be answering the bullet points in each section in detailed PARAGRAPHS.Also, the more details the better.No plagiarism no grammar errors.I also provided the textbook for you to use.
Requirements: Meeting the assignment requirements

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