I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Event chosen: https://theforum.sph.harvard.edu/events/confrontin…
Policy Log Guidelines
As a way of demonstrating completion of this course requirement, you must submit, in writing, a policy log that detail certain aspects of each event. Please refer to the Grading Rubric for this assignment.
Each event log should be 2–3 double-spaced pages of text.
Provide only a brief summary of the topic being discussed (200-400 words).
Your analysis section should be 500 to 750 words and be the most developed component of the report. In the analysis section, you can write about the process of policy being made at this event, and/or you can write about the actual health policy issue being discussed/considered. This should be your analysis, and if you refer to an analysis made by an event participant, make that clear in your log. Your analysis should include new information that goes beyond what was discussed in the event by the participants.
Your analysis should integrate course content and readings. Reference at least two current sources (within the last 6 months) from the learning materials in this course, other sources which may include scholarly sources, health policy reports, or recent media articles.
Use APA format for citations and references.
Use these Headings in your Policy Logs!
Name, sponsor, link to the event
Place, date, length of the event
Names of participants and their titles
Brief summary of the topic discussed (200-400 words)
My analysis of the health policy issue and its implications for health care (500-750 words)

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