I’m working on a nutritional sciences exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nutritional sciences exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Nutritional Management Power Point lecture can be used for this assignment.Your body needs six nutrients to function efficiently: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. The first three are or can be, fuel sources for the body, and the others are instrumental in facilitating internal processes. A well-rounded diet with foods taken from all the basic food groups (dairy products, breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and meat/protein) helps to insure that the body gets the essential nutrients it needs. Knowing the role each nutrient plays in the body’s functioning can help you become more aware of what is needed in a nutritionally sound diet.NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT: Nutritional Analysis AssignmentActionsFOOD RECORDING LOG: FOOD RECORDING LOGActionsFOOD RECORDING LOG SAMPLE: FOOD RECORDING LOG SampleActionsGrading Rubric Click on the Gear icon located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this assignment. All assignments must be submitted through CANVAS. The instructor will not except emailed assignments. RubricNUTRITIONAL ANALYSISNUTRITIONAL ANALYSISCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHands-On Activity: This assignment is a three day four part Nutritional Analysis assignment. All assignments must be submitted through CANVAS. The instructor will not except emailed assignments.20 ptsFull Marks – Assignment was completed and turned in on time. All four parts was completed.15 ptsPartial Marks – You will be deducted 5 points for LATE ASSIGNMENT.0 ptsNo Marks – NO Assignment was turned in.20 ptsTotal Points: 20
Requirements: do all the assignment parts

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