I’m working on a pharmacology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a pharmacology question and need guidance to help me learn.I need a power point presentation on the drug vancomycin. It as to be on this drug, as this as been assigned to me. I need the transcript seperate from the power point, so i can record over it, then i can convert it into a video myself. I have to do a 5min talk, so i think 500- 600 words will do this. I have attached the rubric, as well as an example video from another student. The drug as to be vancomycin, but i would like the layout to be the same as the video as this got high marks. I have put down 10 slides, but happy for you to do less if you feel that would be better.Please see attached file https://we.tl/t-YrGvAfGO0t
Requirements: 10 slides

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