I’m working on a philosophy question and need guidance to help me learn

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a philosophy question and need guidance to help me learn.In 1000 – 1500 words, take up an argument supporting or opposing one of Sartre’s claims. This paper should include:
A title page in APA style. No abstract required.
An introduction with some kind of attention getting device and thesis statement.
A clear thesis where you:
establish your position and
preview your main points in support of that position.
A main point where you explain Sartre’s position/argument.
This section should include at least two short quotes from the texts we have read.
A main point where you defend or attack Sartre’s argument.
Include at least one academic (peer-reviewed) source that supports your claim.
At least one potential counterargument against your position that you refute. This can either be abstract: “It could be argued that,” “some might say,” or concrete “[secondary author] tries to claim ”
A conclusion where you restate (not copy-paste) your thesis and come to a conclusion.
Remember that the conclusion is not the place for argumentation. Your “bombshell” needs to come in the body of the paper.
An APA reference page with all sources.
The paper is due before class on the assigned day. Please upload it here. Turnitin will be used to assess originality of your submission.

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