I’m working on a public health project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Module 1: Course Project, Part 1
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Course Project Overview
The project will be developed in three (3) parts.
Part 1: Overview of the disaster/emergency and the information needs of victims and responders involved in the disaster/emergency
Part 2: Resources to meet the information needs of victims and responders involved in a disaster/emergency
Part 3: Disaster/emergency outreach program
Each student will be assigned one (1) type of disaster as a topic for the course project. Based on the assigned topic, each student will select a real-life event to focus on involving that disaster/emergency within the past 5 years (i.e. assigned topic: tornado and selected real-life event: tornadoes in Oklahoma, 2019).
Selected List of Topics to be Assigned
plane crash
bridge collapse
train accident
flash flood
hazardous spill
Part 1: Overview Instructions (15%)
Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following elements:
Slides 1-3 focus on your assigned disaster/emergency
Slides 4-7 focus on your selected real-life disaster/emergency event
Slide 8 contains your references
Slide 1: Your name and the assigned disaster/emergency
Slide 2: Definition of your assigned disaster/emergency
Slide 3: Statistical information about your assigned disaster/emergency, including frequency, deaths, injuries, losses, and others as applicable. Use state, national, and international statistics as appropriate.
The resources below can help you to get started:
Weather Related Fatality and Injury Statistics (Links to an external site.)
Natural Disasters: Statistics & Facts (Links to an external site.)
Slide 4: The selected real-life disaster/emergency event you have chosen and a brief synopsis of the event.
Slide 5: Description of the victims and responders of your selected real-life disaster/emergency event.
Slide 6: Description of the information needs of the victims of your selected real-life disaster/emergency event.
Slide 7: Description of the information needs of the responders of your selected real-life disaster/emergency event.
Slide 8: List of references in APA format.

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