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Learning Goal: I’m working on a scriptwriting practice test / quiz and need a sample draft to help me learn.Introduction: ALTHEA: Good afternoon Sir Edgar and classmates. We are the group 1 and we will be reporting about Art History and Development. (next slide) To begin, here are our objectives and expected outcome The first objective is for the listeners to attain an understanding of Art history and development. Second, for them to learn about the history and development of the art of nursing, particularly, nursing practices. And our expected outcome is a video presentation of the history of nursing practices. (next slide) As shown on your screen, these are the eras that we will be discussing. First, the Stone age. Second, the Bronze age. Third, Iron age, Fourth, Medieval Age. Fifth, the Renaissance. Sixth, Modern art. Lastly, Contemporary Art. Let’s begin. (next slide) ALTHEA: Stone Age, prehistoric cultural stage, or level of human development, characterized by the creation and use of stone tools.Stone Age art illustrates early human creativity through small portable objects, cave paintings, and early sculpture and architecture. The Stone Age lasted from 30,000 BC to about 3,000 BC and is named after the main technological tool developed at that time: stone. The art of the Stone Age represents the first accomplishments in human creativity, preceding the invention of writing.At the right side of the slide, you’ll see an examples of art pieces during the stone age: Venus of Hohle Fels: Also known as the oldest Venus figurine. (whole felzzzz)
Replica of Cave Paintings in the Chauvet Cave by Thomas T on July 16, 2014. (show vey kayv)
(next slide) In the long process of discovering which plants are edible, humans in the Stone Age also identify plants that cure wounds or soothe a fever. Herbal medicine is the earliest scientific tradition in medical practice, and it remains an important part of medicine to this day.(next slide) HEMRA: Now, we move on to the Bronze Age. The term “Bronze Age” was first coined by the Danish Antiquarian Christian Jürgensen Thomsen (1788-1865), as part of the three-age system.The Bronze Age marked the first time humans started to work with metal. Bronze tools and weapons soon replaced earlier stone versions. Ancient Sumerians in the Middle East may have been the first people to enter the Bronze Age. The Bronze Age is characterized by the use of copper and bronze as the chief hard materials in the manufacturing of implements and weapons.At the right side of the slide, you’ll examples of art pieces during the bronze age: Nebra Sky Disc, A Bronze Age artifact (1600 BC)
Found in Nebra, GermanyDiscover By: Henry Westphal and Mario RennerDanish Vikso Helmets ( 1700-500 BC)
( Kept in the National Museum, Copenhagen)(next slide) It was believed that during the Aegean bronze age their medical provider was then called a community healer that is assigned to provide healthcare needs to the people and used native plants as their medicine to combat certain diseases.The bronze age, In this where medical providers were called community healers that is assigned to provide healthcare needs to people and used native plants as their medicine to combat certain diseases(next slide) LJ: Moving on we have the iron age. The Iron Age marks the end of the prehistoric age after the stone age and the bronze age. Iron was first discovered during 2000 B.C, and prehistoric people started to use iron around 1200 BC to 600 BC, as a substitute for bronze in making agricultural tools, weapons, sculptures, and other arts made of iron. During the iron age in Greece, Greek art such as sculpture and pottery dazzled around the Mediterranean basin. In the history of art, artistic activity in Greece are divided into five timeframes: the Dark Ages (c.1200-900 BCE), the Geometric Period (c.900-700 BCE), Oriental-Style Period (c.700-625 BCE), the Archaic Period (c.625-500 BCE), the Classical Period (c.500-323 BCE), and the Hellenistic Period (c.323-27 BCE). (next slide) At the right side of your screen art some artworks in the Iron age THE VIX KRATER (c.500 BCE) from Greece.
Wine-mixing vessel discovered in the famous grave of the “Lady of Vix”in Burgundy.
Dying Gaul (c.232 BCE) from Greek Sculptor Epigonus.
(next slide) An ancient Sanskrit text on medicine and surgery, and one of the most important treatises in India that survive from the ancient world. The Sushruta-Samhita had 184 chapters that contained descriptions of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources, and 57 preparations based on animal sources. This treatise was derived not only from exhaustive observation of symptoms of diseases and their possible treatments but also a fairly detailed knowledge of human physiology, anatomy, and especially the internal organs. This scientific approach and method were adopted in the practice of medicine today.(next slide) GLEY: Next, we have the medieval age Medieval art—which includes a wide variety of art and architecture—refers to a period also known as the Middle AgesThe history of medieval art is expansive and covers a wide range of centuries and genres. Medieval art was prominent in European regions, the Middle East, and North Africa, and some of the most precious examples of art from the Middle Ages can be found in churches, cathedrals, and other religious doctrines. Also prominent was the use of valuable materials such as gold for objects in churches, personal jewelry, backgrounds for mosaics, and applied as gold leaf in manuscripts.Here are examples of Medieval artwork. Mosaic of Jesus Christ in Istanbul, Turkey.
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey
(next slide) Next is the Nursing Practices during Medieval eraNursing in the middle ages was largely based on religion, with the majority of nurses consisting of nuns and monks , and were given orders to care for the sick, no matter their religion or place of origin. The church taught that it was part of a Christian’s religious duty to take care of the sick and it was the church that provided hospital care.(next slide) SHAINNA: Up next is the renaissance.During the two hundred years between 1400 and 1600, Europe witnessed an astonishing revival of drawing, fine art painting, sculpture, and architecture centered on Italy, which we now refer as the Renaissance (Rinascimento). The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political, and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art.Some of the well-known artists in this age are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. At the right side of your screen you see, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503.(next slide) Between 1500 and 1860 (A.D.) -the Renaissance all affected nursing. As nursing was not valued as an intellectual endeavor it lost much of its economic support and social status. The nursing conditions were at their worst and have been called the dark period of nursing. However, it was also during this time that the knowledge on anatomy started to flourish. Anatomy now are being taught to student nurses for their foundation in nursing practice.(next side) Now we get to the era of uniqueness Modern art represents an evolving set of ideas among a number of painters, sculptors, photographers, performers, and writers who – both individually and collectively – sought new approaches to art-making. Modern art is the creative world’s response to the rationalist practices and perspectives of the new lives and ideas provided by the technological advances of the industrial age. Artists worked to represent their experience of the newness of modern life in appropriately innovative ways. Modern art is characterized by the artist’s intent to portray a subject as it exists in the world, according to his or her unique perspective, such as Impressionism, fauvism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, dada, surrealism, Abstract expressionism, and pop art.At the right portion of this slide are examples and important art pieces of the Modern age art Impression, Sunrise (1873) by Claude Monet. It is Considered the 1st fully modern movement
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (LEE DEMOYZEL DAVINYON)(1907) by Pablo Picasso. It is considered the artwork that launched the Cubism movement
(next slide) Modern nursing was founded by Florence Nightingale, who challenged social norms and justified the value of educated nurses. She developed the Environment theory, which became a norm to modern nursing practices. (next slide) Next, When many people think of art, they might think of the great masterpieces made in years long gone by. However, the world of art is still thriving and always adapting to reflect the changing world. The art of recent years and the present day is referred to as Contemporary Art.Contemporary Art means “the art of today,” more broadly including artwork produced during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This genre of art does have its own approach or style that distinguishes it from others. However, It s difficult to define because it includes such variety. Therefore, this style of art is not particularly uniform, and it may be more challenging to precisely describe than any other genre of art. As one of its purposes is to express oneself as it is a way to provide social and cultural commentary. (International studies in history and business of art and culture., 2021) It is part of a cultural dialogue that concerns larger contextual frameworks such as identity, family, community, and nationality. At the right side of this slide, are some beautiful artworks of today. Vik Muniz, Marat (Sebastião), from “Pictures of Garbage,” 2008.
The Happiest Place On Earth (2017) by a Filipino contemporary artist Elmer Borlongan. Fun fact. This piece was sold for 9.9 million pesos.
(next slide) In this contemporary era, Nurses are on the front lines of change within the healthcare system, and change is happening quickly. As the environment around nursing has evolved, registered nurses (RNs) have adapted. As a whole, the profession has been working to partner with patients and families to administer culturally competent care and optimize the continuum of care. Researchers in Orthopedic Nursing said nurses must be full partners in the continuing efforts to improve patient outcomes. “There are transformative changes occurring in healthcare for which nurses, because of their role, their education, and the respect they have earned, are well-positioned to contribute to and lead,” Susan W. Salmond and Mercedes Echevarria said in “Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing.”(next slide) Lastly, we will end our reporting with a quote from Bocciono (BOC CHO NI) in 1920, Manifesto of Futurist Painters. “The time passed for our sensation in painting to be whispered. We wish them in the future to sing and re-echo upon our canvasses in deafening and triumphant flourishes.” So as artists, as future nurses, may this become an inspiration for us to keep painting our future. That will be all. Thank you all for listening.
Requirements: Yes about of my title art report script is very importante of people to who willing of this.

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