I’m working on a social science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.It´s both works because is two drafts with the same rubric I attached. Both drafts is in both pdf and the rubric in word document. the 2 rubric answer it’s different because it’s two different drafts. Around 750 words each one, you has been assigned two Draft Op-Eds written by other students; for each draft, you should complete a separate Peer Assessment.you has been assigned two Draft Op-Eds written by other students; for each draft, you should complete a separate Peer Assessment. To find the two Draft Op-Eds you have been assigned to review, click on the Draft Op-Ed assignment. IFill in this document for the first Draft Op-Ed you were assigned following the instructions; that is, type your comments and scores directly into this document.YOU DO NOT NEED DO THIS, THIS IS THE EP-OD DRAFT THAT WE DID, JUST A IDEA TO GIVE YOU WHAT ARE U WORKING ON,What is the main obstacle to improving educational equality in the U.S.?Write an Op-Ed that addresses this question building on what you have learnt in the course so far. Follow the instructions below carefully.Your Op-Ed should include 4 paragraphs: a short introductory paragraph that motivates readers to continue reading (i.e., it has a “hook”), two main paragraphs that follow the instructions below, and a short conclusion.
Your Op-Ed should be based on what we have learnt in this course, including relevant readings and lectures. However, you are writing an Op-Ed, so it should not have footnotes or a bibliography at the end. When referencing a reading, you should cite it within the main text using a style that is appropriate for an Op-Ed (e.g., “a study conducted by Jane Doe and colleagues…”, “research conducted by John Doe and other political scientists…”, etc.).
The total word count for this assignment cannot exceed 500 words. Assignments that exceed 500 words will be penalized by a half-letter grade reduction (A to A-, A- to B+, etc.) every 10 extra words.
MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT’S EP-ODMain paragraph #1 (max. 250 words): Write a paragraph specifying what you think, according to what we have learnt in this course, is the main obstacle to improving education equity in the U.S. (choose one of the X’s below). Your paragraph should have the following structure:“The main obstacle to improving the equity of U.S. education is [X].- Theoretical argument about how/ why X affects educational equity- Empirical evidence about the magnitude of X’s effect on educational equity.”Main paragraph #2 (max. 200 words): Write another paragraph with the following structure choosing one of the Z’s below:“Another commonly cited obstacle includes [Z]. However (choose 1 of the following, and explain your choice):- Theoretical argument about how/ why Z affects educational equity- Empirical evidence (choose 1 of the following 3 options): Although there is evidence that Z is also an obstacle to improving the equity of U.S. education, the evidence suggests that X is a more important obstacle than Z, OR We do not have good evidence on whether or not Z affects educational equity, OR There is good evidence that Z is not an obstacle to improving educational equity.X’s or Z’s you can choose from for your draft Op-Ed (*):- The level of education funding available to school districts- The structure of education funding- The education governance structure- White parents and voters’ attitudes toward racial and ethnic minoritiesDraft Op-Ed RubricDraft Op-Ed RubricCriteriaRatingsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 1(X)(1) Clearly identifies an obstacle, (2) explains how that factor can affect educational inequality (i.e. includes an argument), and (3) discusses empirical evidence that substantiates the claim that the identified obstacle is indeed an important obstacleAND is 250 words or lessThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph 2(Z)(1) Clearly identifies an alternative obstacle, Z, (2) an argument linking that obstacle to educational inequality, and (3) explains why the empirical evidence suggests X is a more important obstacle than Z,AND is 200 words or lessThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTotal Length500 words or less; -5 for every 10 words over 500This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of WritingWriting is clear and conciseThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting StyleNo jargon; language is accessible to a broad audienceThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTotal ScoreCalculated as 100 minus the sum of the points deducted:
Requirements: Around 750 words each one,

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