I’m working on a white papers writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a white papers writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Writing AssignmentDo you believe image should influence whether an athlete should receive endorsements or should athletic prowess be the only factor? An example would be Tennis Star Anna Kournikova as she was not ranked high and did not win a lot of tournaments but during her time in tennis was one of the highest paid in term of endorsement deals. Discuss and summarize three other examples of image influencing endorsement deals in sports. Include information from the textbook and/or outside information.Assignment GuidelinesThe length of the analysis should be 2-3 pages. A paper of only 2 pages, for example, will receive points off.
Use 12 point Times New Roman font. Pages should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around. No bold or italicized font should dominate the page.
Tabs should be no more than ¼”. If you don’t know how to set tabs, get someone to show you how.
Have your name, the assignment number, and the page number in the header on each page. For example: John Doe, Assignment 1, p. 1
Write in business communication style. Do not use first-person unless the assignment specifically asks for your perspective and avoid passive voice when possible.
When you use sources use APA citation and reference style.
Spell check your paper before turning it in. Read your paper before turning it in. Be sure to watch out for grammar and spelling errors. As this is a writing course, points will be deducted for submissions that are poorly written and contain grammatical and spelling errors. One point will be deducted for each error.
Before sending your paper refer to the “submission of written assignments” section in the syllabus and make sure you are saving and sending correctly.
Requirements: 3 pages

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