I’m working on a writing practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.hello, there is a worksheet that
you need to answer its questions in 5 to 6 sentences. the answers are in
the videos and the two books which are Edwin
Gaustad and Leigh Schmidt, The Religious History of America: The Heart of
American Story from Colonial Times to Today,
rev. edition. Harper One, 2004. ISBN:
R. Marie Griffith, ed. American Religions:
A Documentary History. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress 2007. ISBN: 978-0195170450. Gaustad and Schmidt (152-161, 177-183; 226-230) Griffith (164-183) https://canvas.csun.edu/courses/109416/modules/ite… https://canvas.csun.edu/courses/109416/modules/items/4271687 https://canvas.csun.edu/courses/109416/modules/items/4271688 tthe last three links are on canvas, and I’ll provide you with the passwords. the questions are in the file section. thanks
Requirements: 5 sentences for each question

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