I’m working on a writing report and need a reference to help me learn.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing report and need a reference to help me learn.Principles of Epidemiology 2020/2021note: Principles of Epidemiology report. please use this topic for the report ( skill cell anemia) and donot forget the refrencese PLEASE USE SIMPLE VOCAB FOR THE REPORT PLEASE MAKE IT BASIC. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS I WILL CHECK FOR THE PALAEGISIM.report instructions:The report must include all the required items that you will be graded on 15 marks which are:❖ Describe the natural history of the disease in 1 page or more.❖ Describe the chain of infection of the disease in 1 page or more.❖ Find out a minimum of 5 studies related to the disease (to be a local “Saudi” study isimportant):▪ Descriptive study: explain the methodology part: what is the study design, samplesize, sampling technique, target population, setting, and the conclusion “mainfindings/results of the article”.▪ Analytical study: explain the methodology part: what is the study design, samplesize, sampling technique, target population, setting, and the conclusion “mainfindings/results of the article”.▪ Interventional study: explain the methodology part: what is the study design, samplesize, sampling technique, target population, setting, and the conclusion “mainfindings/results of the article”.❖ Create a “glossary” which include epidemiological terms and concepts that have been used in your report and its explanation “not less than 15”.Important points: The report consists of 2000 words.
The report must be supported with a recent data from 2017 and above.
The report consists of minimum 1800 to maximum 2000 words. (will deduct marks if you didn’t follow the word limit)
References are in the Vancouver style.
The content should be in this order:
▪ Introduction▪ Body (required items) ▪ Conclusion▪ References
Requirements: Use word doc and write 2000 words   |   .doc file

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