Importance of globalization, workforce, service and performance in hotel/hospitality/service industries

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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1. New businesses models in hospitality and service industries. Traditional hoteliers like Marriott focus on Management, they no longer own the facilities of the hotels. On a different level AirBnb does similar. Globalization on this business model in hotel/hospitality/service industries?
2. Hotel/Hospitality/other service industries FACILITIES and relation to CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Better facilities means always better customer satisfaction?
3. Quality business ORGANIZATION (good service performance and set up), and relation to FACILITIES and CUSTOMER SATISFACITON, in service industries.
4. Quality of STAFF, and relation to FACILITES and CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, in service industries.
5. Level of customer income,
relation to FACILITIES and quality of ORGANIZATION,
relation to FACILITES and quality of STAFF.
Rich customers behave different than lower income customers?
6. Importance of globalization, workforce, service and performance in hotel/hospitality/service industries.

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