Improvement Suggestions (How was the response critiqued in media? What should have happened?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Each student is required to write a 15-page (minimum), double-spaced paper that analyzes a crisis that a company recently went through. It should examine the leadership (how they addressed the crisis), communication plan surrounding the crisis (if there was none, provide one), and overall response to the crisis. This project, as part of the communication plan, should analyze the company’s use (or lack thereof) of social media, web sites, blogs, press releases, media releases, press conferences, etc. The paper is an academic paper following APA writing and citation guidelines. The paper includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works (articles). You must use at least 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to build your project.
Topics are:
-Intro and paper collection
-Crisis Overview (What happened?)
-Review of company history
-Review of Industry trends related to crisis
-Leadership (Who was within Boeing leadership?)
-Communication Plan (How did Boeing manage the messaging?)
-Leadership’s Response (How did they manage the crisis?)
-Improvement Suggestions (How was the response critiqued in media? What should have happened?
I included portions that were completed and can be used/merged into the paper.
I will upload some of the references that I used to assist.

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