In 1-2 pages, explain the next direction of your research.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Week 10 Process Paper Assignment: Research Planning
What: In 1-2 pages, explain the next direction of your research.
Take a step back to think about the purpose of your research.
While we are on a journey through a process and exploring lots of techniques along the way, remember that we are headed somewhere.
How do you plan to get there?
Write about the remaining questions you still have about your research as well as where and how you think you can look for answers.
Conclude this reflection with a rationale for the new direction of your research.
Have you wandered far from where you began?
Where are you headed now?
What brought you to these new questions?
Why: While we are working together on various techniques for approaching and incorporating information, it’s useful to take a step back from your role as a researcher to consider the view from above.
This assignment will help you build a frame for your next steps as you refine your research question and direction.
Rather than work step by step through a set process, you get to define what you need to do next – based on what you have learned, your instincts, your audience, and the final product you are working toward.
Maybe you are ready to dive deeper into the scholarly literature on your topic, or you might need to seek out more contextual information.
How: Submit a 1-2 page MLA or APA formatted Word document here and to the Week 11 discussion board below by Sunday.
This assignment is due by Sunday at 11:59pm ET.

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