In 750-1,000 words, develop a scope document that outlines these parameters

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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In 750-1,000 words, develop a scope document that outlines these parameters and provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of what is “in scope” and “out of scope” for your project.
*** This paper is a continuation of a practicum project. Attaching those papers for reference and continuity. My topic is on GI consult backlog.
***Attaching a sample essay also on another topic with similar questions.
Meet with your mentor/preceptor and any appropriate stakeholders to review your scope document. Ensure the project scope is accurate and appropriate for the proposed informatics solution project and the organization.
Answer the following questions.
Create the scope of the project for the informatics project. Include project boundaries, limitations and constraints, affected users, timeline, budget, and specific resources required for the project.
Evaluate the benefits of implementing the interprofessional collaborative practice model during your project scope development.
Differentiate the parameters for the project. Provide rationale or evidence to justify the parameters.
Differentiate what is “in scope” and “out of scope” for the project.
Propose the high-level deliverables expected from the project. Provide support to justify these as high-level deliverables.
Develop completion criteria to measure whether project deliverables are acceptable.
Explain how the completion criteria will determine the success of the goal of the project. Be sure to include budget and scheduling requirements.

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