In a short paragraph or less describe the normal function of the structure affected by this disease

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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List the name of a disease associated with a specific structure discussed in the neural tissue, CNS, and PNS lectures. (Example: Specific brain region, cranial nerve, etc..)

List the specific structure affected by this disease (This answer should be something specific covered in class, not just “brain” or “spinal cord”)

In a short paragraph or less describe the normal function of the structure affected by this disease.

In a short paragraph or less describe some of the major symptoms of this disease

Cite your sources (website, textbook, etc.) at the bottom of the response. Please make sure your sources are reliable. Examples of reliable sources are textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles or reviews, non-profit foundation publications/websites, etc.. If you are unsure if your source is reliable, please ask before using it.
KEEP IT SIMPLE short answer straight to the point.

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